Earth Shaking, Doors Opening, & Breaking Free! Acts16:26

Brother Lee Stoneking does a deep theology study on "Where do the dead go?" Learn all about: Luke 16:26(No second chance), Righteous person, Holy Person, Wicked Person, Abraham's Bosom, 3rd Heaven, Paradise, Hell, Lake of fire, White Throne of Judgement, Rapture, Tribulation, 1000years of peace, and then goes back over the whole time line layout explaining each part to the end. Last words "We've got to get everyone we can filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus Name"

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Luke 16:19-31(The rich man and Lazarus, the beggar) This is not a parable.. It was an actual account that happened in the OT and Jesus used it to look back in time to preach on....... Luke 16:26(No second chance).... Luke 16:29-They have moses and the prophets=Thats how we know it took place in the OT.... A very detailed time line... Ecclesiates 9:5... 3 Classes of people who are on earth are given in Revelation 22:11 The wicked, righteous, and the Holy..... 1Thessalonians 5:23 We are body, soul, and Spirit... Matthew 17:3

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Matthew 17:3... The Soul-body does not die. The Flesh dies...Matthew 22:30 God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.... Philippians 1:23 to be with Christ; which is far better- because there is life there... Hebrews 12:1... Revelations 6:9-10... Once you die, the soul and body are not dead, its very much alive... v10 "and they cried with a loud voice"

Abraham's bosom- Psalm 16:10, Psalm 49:17, Job 3:17-22

Scriptures above Abraham's bosom- 1Peter 3:18-21...Talks about the people in the days of Noah on how the repented and would be classified as righteous.

Righteous person= Is a person who walks in all the light they know in their dispensation. (Is for people who have not heard of baptism in Jesus name, Holy Ghost, and repentance. know some knowledge of God but they walk in the light that they know of and will stand at the white throne judgement)

Holy Person= Is a person who walks in all the light that God has given in that dispensation. (Like, in the NT, a Holy Person is one who has been baptized in Jesus name, filled with the Holy Ghost, repented, and lives for God)

People who have been baptized in Jesus Name, Repented, and filled with the Holy Ghost will not stand at the white throne judgement.

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Righteous person= Is a person who walks in all the light they know in their dispensation. (Is for people who have not heard of baptism in Jesus name, Holy Ghost, and repentance. Some knowledge of God but they walk in the light that they know of and will stand at the white throne judgement)

Holy Person= Is a person who walks in all the light that God has given in that dispensation. Holy Person is one who has been baptized in Jesus name, filled with the Holy Ghost, repented, and lives for God.

People who have been baptized in Jesus Name, Repented, and filled with the Holy Ghost will not stand at the white throne judgement, thats why we dont get away with anything, the moment you do something bad, conviction hits you, and your judged, and you repent and cry out to God. Thats why we will pass over the white throne of judgement for the wicked and righteous.

Ephesians 4:8-9 ... talks about the 3rd heaven .. the righteous who were in Abraham's bosom are now in paradise waiting the white throne judgement. The Holy people are in paradise awaiting the rapture, and the Holy People are taken out of there before the righteous are. 

When a person dies, the soul-body goes to God, not for judgement but for placement, for disposition. Ecclesiastes 12:7. When someone does it goes back to God who gave it. 

Hell is a temporary, its like the county jail, the holding place for the wicked. The Lake of fire is like the final penitentiary.. Just like the Abrahams bosom is a temporary holding place for the righteous.... 

As soon as a person dies now, whether they are wicked, holy, or righteous they go directly to God for disposition. The wicked go directly to Hell for temporary confinement, the righteous go to paradise, and the holy go to paradise.

-Paradise- 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 (Acts 14:19) v14 Paradise(Luke 23:43)

Lake of Fire- John 5:28-29

White Throne Judgement- 1 Corinthians 6:2, Revelation 20:11-12

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White throne judgement- Revelation 20:11-12 

Lake of Fire- Revelation 19:20, 20:10, 20:14

"Dont miss the rapture. If you miss the rapture, you have missed everything. I've even told God, God help me somehow to never miss the rapture, if you have to drag me, drag me".

2 Peter 3:10-13, Revelation 21:1, Isaiah 66:22

Rapture- Acts 17:30, Jeremiah 12:5, 1 Peter 4:18, 

Goes back over the whole time line layout and explaining each part to the end....

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Last Final words..... "We've got to get everyone we can filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus Name"