Earth Shaking, Doors Opening, & Breaking Free! Acts16:26


Martin's Testimony

         Back in 96 I almost lost my Mom and brothers in a serious car accident. We did not go to church for a while after that. The church we belonged to did not even care if we were alright. If we happened to have a different last name then the church would care. We did not go to church for a few years. I started working at McDonalds my Jr. year in high school. That is where I met a great friend of mine. He invited me to church with him one Sunday and I thought why not what do I have to loose. So I went with and at first I thought everyone was crazy until I started talking with a few of them. I kept going and it grew on me. I was baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost and I am now a member of the church. I really enjoy it but the part I really enjoy is singing God's praises and worshiping him. I am really thankful for my friend. If it was not for him I would have ended up like my brothers with a criminal record. I am very grateful for everything that God has done for me and has yet to do.


       I hope this helps. This is my experience. The whole time I was not in church I was not happy. I would do things that were not good. When I got into church everything changed for the better and I hope that things continue to get better and better.