Earth Shaking, Doors Opening, & Breaking Free! Acts16:26


 Dr. Gerald Jeffers- Purpose,Identity,Destiny: Do you want to figure out what your purpose is? Then you will enjoy watching this video. Obey the Lord, Sometimes the Lord will tell you things you may not want to hear. Ephesians 1:4-6, 9, 11... Having made known to us the mystery of His will......If you are going to become what God has foreordained you to be, you have to get down these three words Purpose, Identity, Destiny.... You can not become Destiny if you do not have Identity. Be who God says you are..

Part 1 

Part 2 

Part 3 

Part 4 

Part 5 

Part 6 

Part 7 

Part 8 

Part 9 

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12