Earth Shaking, Doors Opening, & Breaking Free! Acts16:26



Saved to Serve Africa

 October 31st, 2010: 6 received the Holy Ghost, 2 were healed, & 3 are to be baptized in Jesus' name this weekend (one of them was a first time visitor!) at Agoe Anome!

October 24th, 2010: 5 were filled with the Holy Ghost at Pasteur Boako church!

October 10th, 2010: A lady testified of going to visit her brother, who after being ill for quite some time. He had begun vomitting up blood and the doctors gave him up for dead but his sister prayed for him in Jesus' name and he was completely healed!




The Choir members pray before ministering beautifully in song

 Altar call at the Crusade at the football stadium in Benin...God was moving in a great way! (November 21st-23rd, 2008)

 Missionary Bro. Randy Adams was the special speaker for Benin's 3 night Crusade. God anointed him to minister in a great way to the crowds that attended